AngularJS Pageslide directive

An AngularJS directive which slides another panel over your browser to reveal an additional interaction pane.
It does all the css manipulation needed to position your content off canvas with html attibutes and it does not depend on jQuery

Open Demo

Hello Pageslide

Put here whatever you want


Different speeds


Hello Pageslidoo

Put here whatever you want


Hello Pageslidoy

Put here whatever you want


Different directions

Up up and above

Hello Pageslide

Put here whatever you want

Go west

Hello Pageslide

Put here whatever you want


Push content

Open Sidebar

Hello Pageslide

Put here whatever you want


Escape key to close

Open sidebar

Hello Pageslide

hit the escape key to close the sidebar


As an attribute

Check to open:

Cool Pageslide

Put here whatever you want

As an element

Check to open:

Yes Pageslide

Put here whatever you want

Custom class on container

Check to open:

Yo Pageslide

Put here whatever you want


Avoid click outside

Check to open:

Yo Pageslide

Put here whatever you want


Dynamic psSize

Check to open:


Yo Pageslide

Put here whatever you want

Auto close

Check to open:

Yo Pageslide

Put here whatever you want

Open Close callbacks

Check to open:

Yo Pageslide


Pastrami pork belly strip steak meatball boudin pork. Beef doner pastrami leberkas. Frankfurter swine boudin doner. Bacon drumstick chicken landjaeger filet mignon pancetta. Corned beef leberkas frankfurter kevin. Tongue frankfurter pastrami, pork biltong alcatra leberkas meatloaf boudin strip steak spare ribs pork chop turkey.

In a container

Check to open:

Yo Pageslide


Pastrami pork belly strip steak meatball boudin pork. Beef doner pastrami leberkas. Frankfurter swine boudin doner. Bacon drumstick chicken landjaeger filet mignon pancetta. Corned beef leberkas frankfurter kevin. Tongue frankfurter pastrami, pork biltong alcatra leberkas meatloaf boudin strip steak spare ribs pork chop turkey.

In a container with directions

Check to open:

Yo Pageslide
